Post # 23

He who has his health has 1000 dreams, he who does not have his health has but one

We want maximal free time not maximal activity

Peoples’ love languages are usually revealed by listening to what she/he complains about

It’s from the champions of the impossible rather than the slaves of the possible that evolution derives it’s creative force

Technology comes through us but is not from us and though it is with us it belongs not to us

Everything is impermanent

For 15 seconds, let go of any expectations you have of yourself

Bad design is a barrier to efficiency

Post # 22

Live life like a daring adventure.

Do we develop relationships with cities or with the people in those cities, or both?

Apparently, when you match eye levels with someone, studies have shown that they feel like they are more heard and that you’re a good listener. Something about matching and mirroring, by being on the same eye and ear level, makes us feel more heard.

Charlie Munger said, “It’s remarkable how much long-term advantage myself and my partners have gained by trying to be consistently not stupid rather than trying to be very intelligent.”

Cannabis overdose deaths still at 0.

Technology helps us stay ahead of the competition.

“I don’t know that much. The shore of ignorance grows just as fast as the island of knowledge.”


The camera is a liar and has always been a liar

Is our digital photo stream a truer manifestation of ourselves?

We see photos of our friends more often than we see most of our friends

The camera creates a fake reality

The presence of the camera causes us to behave differently

We want the camera to tell the truth but it always fails. It always seems to be telling something slightly false and slightly seductive

We now use photos to communicate and tell stories

We now set up our photos and stage our photos and take our photos with a particular audience in mind

We can easily edit them

This conversation of photos may be less ephemeral than voice communication, because they’re online “forever”

Our photos are less about getting the facts exactly right and more about telling a story, showing our emotions, editing to show how we feel

Some people didn’t vote for John Kerry because they saw what they KNEW was a fake photo of him, with Vietnam anti-war supporter Jane Fonda

Eventually, we won’t have any trust on what is true or not

Prior to this we looked to video to be true, but now it can be edited very convincingly (deep fakes)

Liars dividend – if a news story about you is true and you spread enough fake stories, we don’t know what to believe anymore


We’re all afraid that we’re not enough BLANK, and that if we’re not enough BLANK we won’t be loved.

Love is the oxygen of the soul.

Someone has loved you.

Someone in your life has put your needs in front of theirs otherwise you wouldn’t be here.

When your standard is perfect it’s just a way to beat yourself up for not being enough.

It’s a false standard.

It doesn’t exist.

Once you get to whatever you thought perfect was you’ll discover something else, won’t you?


182 262 m per second

1 light year is 10 trillion km

Synaptic impulse happens on  average 300 ms before we realize we have had a thought

At 3 meters or 10 feet of distance, you’re seeing someone as they were one 100 millionth of a second ago (distance /speed of light) .

But the way someone looks now and the way they looked one 100 millionth of a second ago is too small to notice.

Post # 21

In order to improve your game you must study the endgame before anything else; for, whereas the endings can be studied and mastered by themselves, the middlegame and the opening must be studied in relation to the endgame.

To be early is on time, to be on time is late, and to be late is dead.

Hindsight is not 20/20. Our biases shape our actual working memory and our understanding of the factors that actually influenced the past is limited. Thousands of small “near misses” create reality we perceive and inhabit – almost getting hit by car, almost being stuck in traffic, tiny fluctuations in peoples’ mood affecting their behavior, etc.

I bully myself cuz I make me do what I put my mind to.

Why accelerate the path to enlightenment? It’s a hell of a journey. Perhaps we should continue to pursue it, though not so quickly.

Marketing is to sell more stuff to more people more often for more money .

Post # 20

Comparison is the thief of joy.

Marriage might be all about selecting properly.

Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs.

The sexes were meant to be complementary, not adversarial.

Spaceships don’t come equipped with a rear view mirror.

Unfortunately even experience is finite; we cannot experience everything (unless we upload our consciousness to the internet some day in the distant future).

Nobody looks good all the time – in case you’ve forgotten (I know I had), this is normal.

The mind and body are one.

Chronic resentment is like poking yourself in the eye while intending for someone else to go blind.

Why accelerate the path to enlightenment? It’s a heck of a journey.

Post # 19

Using the “so what” method when coming to conclusions

  • If we do this, then this will happen – “so what?”
  • Well, then this other thing will be affected – “so what?”
  • We won’t actually be able to meet our goals – “so what?”
  • I won’t get my bonus – “so what?”
  • I won’t feel valued… you get the point. You can continue the “so what” method ad infinitum, and it usually reveals the root drivers of a problem/issue.

Work expands to fill the time available for completion.

Productive is producing more. Efficient is producing more with less. Effective is producing the right things.

MECE = mutually exclusive collectively exhaustive. Try to make mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive recommendations.

Translation: Your recommendations should be “either this or that” and should encompass all potential ways of solving a problem. For example, when trying to increase profit, we either increase revenues or cut costs, that’s it.

If you don’t know who the sucker at the table is, you might be the sucker.

No risk = no future.

Your dreams are possible.

Apparently, those who speak loudly are perceived as more authoritative. Similarly, those who speak more quickly are perceived as more intelligent, regardless of whether or not what they’re saying is actually sensible.

“It seems that you’re feeling anxious… is this true? If so, how come? If not, what are you feeling?

You have the power to continuously edit, interpret and retell your own story.

Post # 18

Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.

Happiness might be the absence of striving for happiness.

I am never out of the fight. You will never outwork me.

Forgiveness means giving up all hope of having a better past.

We’re not THAT logical, we just think we are.

69% of self-made entrepreneurs in the United States have worked for other companies for at least 10 years.

Procrastination is actively avoiding things that need to get done. Waiting is actively preparing for things that will happen.

What appears to be the problem, isn’t.

What appears to be the solution, isn’t.

What appears to be real or impossible, isn’t.

Post # 17

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” – Henry Ford

Too much LSD might permanently crack your mirror of reality – Paul Chek

Vagal tone is stimulated AND relaxed while singing

In a study of art pieces, the best pieces always came form the artists that produced the most pieces, not the least amount of very focused pieces

Hippocampus = memories. Amygdala = emotions.

Two is one and one is none. If it breaks, you’re f*cked.

Play is defined by having no other purpose.

Risk is defined as an irreversible negative outcome.

Love is nature’s psychotherapy.

Post # 16

Use a timer to wake up, instead of a specific time. This ensures you sleep enough.

Never tell me the odds.

Tell your story, not your pitch.

Breathe into your balls. Come into your body.

Don’t expect miracles from one single source – > in almost anything.

One day soon, there will be an “Apple” of cannabis companies.

Multi-sensory environments improve learning.


Consider re-branding yourself.

Consider giving blood.

Pointing establishes a connection with the audience.

Try to be rich in moments, not only rich in money.

Post # 15

24. 2 is even. 4 is even. 24 is even. 4 is twice 2. 2 is half of 4.

Sometimes numbers are meaningful…sometimes they’re just numbers.

1+1 =2. The answer lies in the question. Almost like saying, “Here is my wife, I married her.”

Be your own first customer.

Too much LSD might crack your mirror permanently.

Any regrets? Too few to mention.

Maybe we’re all here to teach and to empower. Maybe we’re just a bacterial host.

We are gone tomorrow anyways.

The second you are proud is the day you stop working.

To be rich in moments, not only in money.

The competition is the work.

Empathy rarely extends beyond our line of sight.

Post # 14 – Generalized thoughts and musings

“A question is an opportunity to tell them what you want them to hear, not an opportunity to answer their question.”

Hope is not a strategy.

Act first, then obtain confidence. The action of going to the gym brings with it the discipline of going to the gym.

We’re usually more disappointed by the things we didn’t do than by the things we did do.

Trying to “become” happy is like trying to “become” angry. They’re transient.

Don’t think about washing today’s dishes, yesterday’s dishes and tomorrow’s dishes. Would we ever get anything done if we thought about all the dishes we’d need to wash across our life? We haven’t even used them yet. Don’t worry too much about the future or dwell too long on the past.

Progress not perfection.

Satisfaction is a death blow.

Speak to yourself like a gentle grandma, instead of like an asshole.

We tell ourselves about 2000 stories a day.