The empty chair in the meeting is the chair for the customer

Fewer unforced errors (avoidable mistakes)

Not just more right, but less wrong 

The intersection of hard work, talent and luck creates marvels

You don’t have to eat the whole dessert. You can stop after the first bite

It’s worth repeating simple things to oneself constantly, like mantras, as unrestrained cleverness leads endlessly to stupidity

When you experience anxiety, you assume that a danger exists, but what it actually means is that the amygdala is producing the defence response. It does not necessarily accurately predict danger


Hope is: “Something can be done and I can do something”

There may be no guarantee that positive thinking works, but negative thinking works every single time.

Simply because there are so many more disordered states, as time goes by, there’s a high probability that things fall into disorder. Disorder increases with time because we measure time in the direction in which disorder increases.

Learn like you’ll live forever.

Don’t worry, reality is always not like solving a mathematical equation. It’s not. There is more than one solution to a problem. There is not always absolutely only one way to skin a cat.

In every moment you have a choice to make. Your choices reflect your priorities. Make sure you’re making those choices deliberately.


Remorse adds a second stupid act to the first one

Enough. Because “More” is an endless horizon

Writers block is fear of bad writing

You have to do the bad writing

After enough writing? More bad writing. Persist.

Without worry, you may have arrived exactly where you are now and more pleasantly 

Worry and fear are not tickets on the express train

They may be extra baggage – you were going that way anyway. 


Your children just need time and presence

Unspoken expectations are premeditated resentments

Fear looks, sounds and feels like control. Love feels like acceptance

Only judge the decision making process, not the outcomes

Remember, your imagined future success ladder can simply evaporate at any moment based on low probability life events actually occurring.


Father time is undefeated

When we speak we are afraid to be judged

But when we are silent we are also afraid

So it is better to speak

– Audre Lorde

Nearly everyone you meet is struggling in their own way, or looking for significance, or trying to do their best

It seems across time and space, human beings have experience existential dread. We must find healthy ways to deal with it


We are now Gods but for the wisdom

Humans get tired. We’re supposed to get tired

Innovations that freaked us out:

  • Lightbulbs over candles
  • Cars over horses
  • LASIK over glasses

Language , by design, may be a cunning way to hide one’s feelings. Can manipulate the mind to act against the heart

We are not people

We are the illusion of people

What we really are is interacting waves

Your mood is simply your specific neurotransmitter makeup at the moment

Unable to change the past. Looking forward to the future

We take opportunities but we don’t really know where life will take us

If you’re going to fail, fail daring greatly

Don’t be too timid. All life is an experiment

All the wonders of experience are not the point. Turn your attention back to the one who is experiencing

To the one who knows

To your consciousness itself, manifesting in different forms

You can become loving awareness

Which is a gateway to a new dimension of freedom

You are but the witness of things

Turn your attention from the experience to the mystery of the consciousness that is ever present: the one who knows, the knowing, the one who witnesses

Wisdom tells me I am nothing

Love tells me I am everything

Between these two my life flows

All you are is the one who is experiencing

When you say no, you are only saying no to one option.

When you say yes, you are saying no to every other option.

No is a decision. Be careful what (and who) you say yes to. It will shape your day, your career, your family, your life.

Yes is a responsibility.

Be careful what (and who) you say yes to. It will shape your day, your career, your family, your life.

When pleasures are more occasional, they’re more pleasurable, and that’s reason enough to limit how often we indulge in them. Of course, all the usual reasons we exercise restraint—to save money, time, health, and the planet—only add to the rewards.

The more occasionally I indulge in something made just for pleasure, the more worthwhile it is when I do, and the better life is in every other respect. It’s cheaper, safer, healthier, freer.

It just seems like a better deal, and it’s there if we want it.

In this strange bubble, enormous marketing departments have had many decades to figure out how to deliver as large a volume of pleasure-inducing substances and services into our homes and routines as we will accept. This relentless pressure to take on treat upon treat, year upon year, has pushed the typical level of pleasure-consumption to a point far beyond what is actually most pleasurable for most of us.

This too, shall pass.


Nuclear winter notwithstanding, the cool thing is, technological advancement shows few signs of slowing down. Those in the future will likely always look back upon us as plebs

Ignore / Accept / Change. Those are always our 3 options

We give purpose to the universe

Not the other way around

“We” being any and every conscious being

Our goal should be retaining and or expanding biological and or artificial consciousness, rather than driving it extinct

Happiness is the new rich. Inner peace is the new success. Health is the new wealth. Kindness is the new cool.

Employees over customers

were a people company that sells coffee not a coffee company that sells people

I’ve never met a company – have you?

Self aggrandisement is equal to self pity

They’re both ego maniacal ways of thinking, narcissistic

You’re way too important in both scenarios

Sheet of paper

Fold in half

This is what you perceive

Fold in half

This is what pay attention to


This is what you are interested in


This is what the brain makes into engrams


This is what you are able to access and recall later on

(Now a fraction of the original size)

Let’s make sure that last part is as big as possible at the end of this class


Is this the right path?

How will I know if or when I’m on the right path? Is there anyone here that will tell me?

We have so much uncertainty because we now have the (supposed) luxury of so much choice. Across all domains.

There are diminishing returns to increasing the amount of choice we have, in almost any domain. Meaning, it might be better to have to choose between 10 careers, then to have to choose between… say, 1000 potential careers.

It’s all about the pain vs reward ratio for motivation

If you never think about the reward and only think about the pain

then the ratio is off and you’ll never be motivated to do the thing, and you will always procrastinate

What legacy do I want to leave?

Constantly pursuing positive experiences may make us feel worse. The unconscious subscript is that we whisper to ourself, “I am not enough. I am not enough without this experience. I need this experience to obtain some modicum of fulfillment.”

Just remember, whatever path you’re on, it’s your path, and you can always change it. It just might take a long time (sometimes).

That’s capitalism. And that’s what makes the world go round. It’s your hopelessness and the need to fill that void with something you can pay for. _ Mark Manson


Nearly all problems are imagined


Subtle changes in perception can have large outcome based changes in reality

Remember John, life is happening for you, not to you

You are not the victim of your life, you are the protagonist


There is no finish line

Progress is not the elimination of problems

Progress is the creation of new problems

Fear is a path to bliss and enlightenment



Your brain is built for survival. It sees many things as threats. It’s just trying to keep you alive. It’s not built for constant happiness.

That does not mean, however, that we should not cultivate happiness.

Happiness, John, and it’s cultivation, is your job. Through your habits, you build a happy life.