Remorse adds a second stupid act to the first one Enough. Because “More” is an endless horizon Writers block is fear of bad writing You have to do the bad writing After enough writing? More bad writing. Persist. Without worry, you may have arrived exactly where you are now and more pleasantly  Worry and fear …


Your children just need time and presence Unspoken expectations are premeditated resentments Fear looks, sounds and feels like control. Love feels like acceptance Only judge the decision making process, not the outcomes Remember, your imagined future success ladder can simply evaporate at any moment based on low probability life events actually occurring.


We are now Gods but for the wisdom Humans get tired. We’re supposed to get tired Innovations that freaked us out: Lightbulbs over candles Cars over horses LASIK over glasses Language , by design, may be a cunning way to hide one’s feelings. Can manipulate the mind to act against the heart We are not …


Nuclear winter notwithstanding, the cool thing is, technological advancement shows few signs of slowing down. Those in the future will likely always look back upon us as plebs Ignore / Accept / Change. Those are always our 3 options We give purpose to the universe Not the other way around “We” being any and every …


Nearly all problems are imagined . Subtle changes in perception can have large outcome based changes in reality Remember John, life is happening for you, not to you You are not the victim of your life, you are the protagonist . There is no finish line Progress is not the elimination of problems Progress is …


Your brain is built for survival. It sees many things as threats. It’s just trying to keep you alive. It’s not built for constant happiness. That does not mean, however, that we should not cultivate happiness. Happiness, John, and it’s cultivation, is your job. Through your habits, you build a happy life.