I heard the following recently, “When you write, write only for yourself. Write only what you yourself need to hear. You will naturally attract those that like your work and shun those that are disinterested in it.”
What is it that I need to hear?
What are some of my greatest fears?
One of them would be to live a “wasted” life. To endlessly waste time. To squander my resources and relationships, only to one day wake up and regret every decision I’ve ever made.
What is the path towards not-regretting one’s decisions/life? Perhaps the following:
We need to believe in our ideas before anyone else does. We need to think about our ideas and believe in them while everyone else thinks you’re crazy.
You need to believe with so much conviction that things can be other than they are, that the negative comments of the nay-sayers will just roll off your back.
Honestly, you have to be a little crazy to think that you can take an idea, apply some effort and move that concept from your brain into the real world.
So what? Go ahead. Be crazy.
Should you ignore all of the nay-sayers? No – because some of them likely have some good points.
The balance between finding who to listen to and finding who to ignore is tricky. It’s a constant work-in-progress.
How do we balance extreme, delusional self-belief with trying to not being ridiculous?
Well, as an example, if you have 2k in assets and for your first venture you take out 250k in debt, that’s more than 100 times your assets. A bit ridiculous.
If you’ve never made a dollar on your own before, perhaps you should start smaller.
Don’t stop trying until there’s no more breath left in your body. One day, you will get there. One day, your dreams will become a reality.
Keep pushing.