We are now Gods but for the wisdom
Humans get tired. We’re supposed to get tired
Innovations that freaked us out:
- Lightbulbs over candles
- Cars over horses
- LASIK over glasses
Language , by design, may be a cunning way to hide one’s feelings. Can manipulate the mind to act against the heart
We are not people
We are the illusion of people
What we really are is interacting waves
Your mood is simply your specific neurotransmitter makeup at the moment
Unable to change the past. Looking forward to the future
We take opportunities but we don’t really know where life will take us
If you’re going to fail, fail daring greatly
Don’t be too timid. All life is an experiment
All the wonders of experience are not the point. Turn your attention back to the one who is experiencing
To the one who knows
To your consciousness itself, manifesting in different forms
You can become loving awareness
Which is a gateway to a new dimension of freedom
You are but the witness of things
Turn your attention from the experience to the mystery of the consciousness that is ever present: the one who knows, the knowing, the one who witnesses
Wisdom tells me I am nothing
Love tells me I am everything
Between these two my life flows
All you are is the one who is experiencing
When you say no, you are only saying no to one option.
When you say yes, you are saying no to every other option.
No is a decision. Be careful what (and who) you say yes to. It will shape your day, your career, your family, your life.
Yes is a responsibility.
Be careful what (and who) you say yes to. It will shape your day, your career, your family, your life.
When pleasures are more occasional, they’re more pleasurable, and that’s reason enough to limit how often we indulge in them. Of course, all the usual reasons we exercise restraint—to save money, time, health, and the planet—only add to the rewards.
The more occasionally I indulge in something made just for pleasure, the more worthwhile it is when I do, and the better life is in every other respect. It’s cheaper, safer, healthier, freer.
It just seems like a better deal, and it’s there if we want it.
In this strange bubble, enormous marketing departments have had many decades to figure out how to deliver as large a volume of pleasure-inducing substances and services into our homes and routines as we will accept. This relentless pressure to take on treat upon treat, year upon year, has pushed the typical level of pleasure-consumption to a point far beyond what is actually most pleasurable for most of us.
This too, shall pass.