Is this the right path?
How will I know if or when I’m on the right path? Is there anyone here that will tell me?
We have so much uncertainty because we now have the (supposed) luxury of so much choice. Across all domains.
There are diminishing returns to increasing the amount of choice we have, in almost any domain. Meaning, it might be better to have to choose between 10 careers, then to have to choose between… say, 1000 potential careers.
It’s all about the pain vs reward ratio for motivation
If you never think about the reward and only think about the pain
then the ratio is off and you’ll never be motivated to do the thing, and you will always procrastinate
What legacy do I want to leave?
Constantly pursuing positive experiences may make us feel worse. The unconscious subscript is that we whisper to ourself, “I am not enough. I am not enough without this experience. I need this experience to obtain some modicum of fulfillment.”
Just remember, whatever path you’re on, it’s your path, and you can always change it. It just might take a long time (sometimes).
That’s capitalism. And that’s what makes the world go round. It’s your hopelessness and the need to fill that void with something you can pay for. _ Mark Manson